Ep.10 – Self-Esteem

by | Dec 27, 2021 | Episode | 0 comments

Loving Parent Podcast

December 27, 2021

Happy Holidays! Here’s another raw episode recorded. without the benefit of editing. There should be another interview next week. 

In recording this episode about Self-Esteem, I talk quite a bit about positive affirmations. There are many books about affirmations you can read, including mine and Self-Esteem, A Family Affair by Jeanne Illsley Clark. Both have affirmations geared to the developmental stages of childhood. I suggest you pick a few you like and memorize them. 

i thought I’d give you some here you to get started:

I’m  glad you’re here. 

you belong here. 

I like to watch you change and grow. 

you can think about how you feel, and feel about what you think. 


you can take your time. 

it’s ok to make mistakes. 

i like the person you’re becoming. 

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