Ep.6 – Brita & Richard – Part 2

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Episode | 0 comments

Loving Parent Podcast

November 29, 2021

The continuation of our live talk, begun in Episode 4…Relationships in Recovery 🙂

Additional Episodes:

Ep.12 – Mark – Part 2

Ep.11 – Mark – Part 1

We’re back after a short holiday break! Mark has an interesting story to share. I think his path to Adult Child recovery will seem very familiar to some listeners.  I’m reminded not to compare my story with anyone else’s.

Ep.12 – Mark – Part 2

Ep.10 – Self-Esteem

In recording this episode about Self-Esteem, I talk quite a bit about positive affirmations. There are many books about affirmations you can read, including mine and Self-Esteem, A Family Affair by Jeanne Illsley Clark. Both have affirmations geared to the developmental stages of childhood. I suggest you pick a few you like and memorize them.