Ep.7 – Brita & Richard – Q & A

by | Dec 6, 2021 | Episode | 0 comments

Loving Parent Podcast

December 6, 2021

In this, the final part of our live talk, we answer participants’s questions. The names of 12-Step programs have been cut out, since I don’t represent any of them.  

the book I wrote many years ago, “It’s Never Too Late to be A Happy Child” is mentioned in this episode. I still have a few cases, and I’m working on a system to get copies to those who want them free of charge. Check back for more info. 

Additional Episodes:

Ep.10 – Self-Esteem

Ep.10 – Self-Esteem

In recording this episode about Self-Esteem, I talk quite a bit about positive affirmations. There are many books about affirmations you can read, including mine and Self-Esteem, A Family Affair by Jeanne Illsley Clark. Both have affirmations geared to the developmental stages of childhood. I suggest you pick a few you like and memorize them. 

Ep.10 – Self-Esteem

Ep.9 – Christy – Part 2

In Part 2 of her interview, Christy shares with us the tools she’s found which contribute to her continued recovery and growth. 

Christy mentions a book I wrote 30 years ago. It’s now back to its original title, “Secret Families-Problem Families.” I have a couple of cases, and am trying to figure out how best to get everyone who wants one a copy.

Ep.10 – Self-Esteem

Ep.8 – Christy – Part 1

Meet Christy, a woman with long term addiction recovery, who has recently dived into adult child recovery. In this episode, we’ll hear about her family of origin, as well as the stories of some of the traumas in her life.