New Episodes!

Loving Parent Podcast

Through listening to the stories of women and men who are on the reparenting path, we discover the parenting we got as a kid, and decide what we want to keep, and what’s better put aside.

About your host, Brita F.

Hi, Everyone!

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Brita, and my newest adventure is as the host of the Loving Parent Podcast. I am also Wife, Mom, MIL, and Grams.

In previous iterations of my professional life, I have been a telephone operator, big box store manager, corporate billing clerk, non-profit grant writer, and artist. I went to college in my late 30’s, earning a BS in Health Science and an MA in Education.

I’m the co-founder of Happy Child, Inc, and served as its Executive Director and Principle Investigator. Happy Child provided substance abuse prevention education to children and parenting/reparenting cLasses for adults, while researching self-esteem in the families before and after the classes. It was funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services. I wrote two curricula, Happy Child for children 5-12, and Secret Families-Problem Families for their parents, translated into Spanish as El Niño Feliz and Familias con Secretos-Familias con Problemas. I’m also the author of the book, Secret Families-Problem Families—It’s Never Too Late to Be a Happy ChildAll above materials are available in the website store for free while supplies last…you pay book rate postage only. 

I have been in recovery as an adult child for over 38 years, and as an alcoholic for 37 of those years. I’ve been with my current alcoholic husband (sober) for 37.5 of those 38 years. In that time we have been privileged to parent/reparent children and help raise grandchildren while doing our own work in meetings, therapy, and with fellow travelers as we discover and reparent our own childhood trauma. (Hear Episodes 4 and 5 for that story!)

I would not trade my life, with its ups and downs, bumps, bruises and traumas, with anyone! To paraphrase The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pages 83, 84: I do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it… No matter how far down the scale I have gone, I can see how my experience can benefit others… 

Brita F.

Brita F.


Most Recent Episode


Scotty part 1

I think you’re in for a treat. The next two episodes feature a reparenting sojourner who’s been on the path since he was 17. Scotty is making sense of his recovery work through a study of neuroscience. You may want to take notes on some terms to look up later. I hope...

Ep.9 – Christy – Part 2

In Part 2 of her interview, Christy shares with us the tools she’s found which contribute to her continued recovery and growth. 

Christy mentions a book I wrote 30 years ago. It’s now back to its original title, “Secret Families-Problem Families.” I have a couple of cases, and am trying to figure out how best to get everyone who wants one a copy.

Ep.8 – Christy – Part 1

Meet Christy, a woman with long term addiction recovery, who has recently dived into adult child recovery. In this episode, we’ll hear about her family of origin, as well as the stories of some of the traumas in her life. 

Production Team

Vaughn David

Vaughn David

Audio Engineer

Our Audio Engineer, Vaughn David, is a 2019 graduate of The Conservatory of  Recording Arts & Sciences (CRAS) in Tempe, AZ.  Although Vaughn prefers providing sound engineering for live events in and around Washington DC, we are very fortunate to have secured his services for the Loving Parent Podcast.  With everything from advice on the right gear for my tiny studio to precise editing with a light touch, Vaughn  makes everything my guests and I  do sound great! 

Have a sound project you’d like Vaughn to consult or work on? Contact him at

Erich Schwenk

Erich Schwenk

Web Designer, Pineapple Brand Media

Erich Schwenk is the owner and a WordPress web designer at Pineapple Brand Media, a division of The Pineapple Brand Co. Erich strives to build lasting partnerships with local businesses who seek to forge a strong presence online. 

Loving Parent podcast

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